


We've gotten to do some pretty neat things lately. These are some of our pictures and short descriptions!

We went to one of the most beautiful, elaborate, and biggest weddings I've ever attended. Please pray protection over the people in the church being united in marriage.
We had a youth service that turned into an insane dance party for the night. We're pumped for our service tomorrow night!!
Please pray that God continues to open the door for conversations with neighbors, in shops, at the tailors, and other places in the city.
We were able to spend the day in 2 different children's homes in the city. Many of them are coming back from their villages and about to start to school on Monday.
Suchi's grandmother was the first believer in the family. It's tradition for the parents to come to the pastors house when their baby first eats solid food for prayer.
The boys were teaching me how to say praise The Lord in Telugu. I still can't say Wandanalu very well.
I was incredibly amazed and encouraged to see so many people come to worship God this morning. Today was the ribbon cutting ceremony for the church's new building.
We try to wear Saris whenever we can...when in Rome, do as the Romans do!

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