For the past few days, we've been staying in Hyderabad with Mama Sajja's family. They are incredibly sweet, welcoming, and hilarious. Since being here we've slept a ton, spent time with family, ate at an Indian buffet, and visited an outdoor market. Thatha Garu (grandpa) imparted some of his wisdom on us before we leave for Vijayawada. Here are a few of the things he said along with what we've gathered:

1. Do not eat red pepper chutney by itself. You're throat will catch on fire.

2. Do not exercise on marble floor while you're sweating, this inevitably leads to slipping.

3. Do what you can to live like the people you're surrounded by (even if you don't understand it) to best honor their culture.

4. Learn to laugh with people when they stare and you stare back because you're intrigued.

5. Do not eat the mint poperee balls after a meal, they taste like soap.

6. Ask about the meanings behind the tapestries, figurines, and other items because you can learn about the Hindu religion.

7. Do not forget about the fresh hena on your hand and accidently smudge it into a blob on your arm.

8. Always be a student of the greats (CS Lewis, AW Tozer, St. Augustine) and be thankful for their easily accessible resources.

9. Do not go to the market without a Telegu speaker.

10. Do not be alarmed of buses, bikes, motos, cows, dogs, and people who weave through the streets with no regard to any traffic rules.

11. Also do not be alarmed of men holding eachother's hands and women wrapping their arms around eachother. The physical display of affection is a lovely display of deep friendship.

12. Always strike up a conversation with the people you're surrounded by on the airplane.

I was able to talk to a man named JD who was on his way to Afganistan to serve as the body gaurd for US ambassadors there. Everyday someone is trying to kill him and he always lives in fear when deployed. He has begun to see the worst in humanity, our government, and religion. JD was refreshingly honest and friendly. My heart broke for him. Please pray that he returns safely home to his 2 daughters and that his eyes may be opened to the hope we have in Jesus.



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