

The quality present in a thing or person that gives intense pleasure or deep satisfaction to the mind.

Vijayawada has shown me some of the most beautiful people in the world. This kind of beautiful runs a mile deep and is found in the stories behind sweetly endearing eyes. It's the kind of beautiful that brings deep satisfaction and pleasure to a soul.

Their beauty is shown in the lines on their faces that represent 89 years of living a full and hard life. It is shown in the tattered saris they wear to endlessly tend their fields. It is shown in the smiles of the girls who have no parents but have the capability to love freely. Beauty exists everywhere, but the sweetest kind lies among those who have been forgotten.

I hope you are able to get just a small glimpse of how truly beautiful these people are. And may this great beauty cause you to look at our God in reverence because it is only a mere reflection of His goodness, creativity, and wonder. This glory is one that can bring you intense pleasure and deep satisfaction.

The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaim his handiwork. Psalm 19:1

This sweet woman worked in the fields of her village. She was so proud of her harvest that displayed her hard work. As I was leaving, she asked if she could keep me...being a farmer wouldn't be half bad!
The beautiful girls are from a village and have no parents. Their home is a Hindu orphanage. We had the opportunity to serve them lunch. It was fortunate that we were allowed to photograph the girls because the house manager said people will take their picture to post on the Internet. They will later be stolen during the night and sold for sex. This reality further proves that sex trafficking has no boundaries.
She was one of the many that lived in Mother Teresa's elderly home. All of the precious women would grab our hands in their frail ones and shout as loud as they could (which sounded more like a whisper) to stay in school and study hard. They were truly wonderful.
Joy filled the room this morning at Sunday school. We were folded over in the stomach hurting kind of laughter when we taught the kids the Marcarena. They ate it up!

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